Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Staying near Fremantle with mate who escorted me to Honda Perth to get Wing serviced, he then took me to a dentist who extracted a tooth and a large part of my wallet. When the pain wears off we have to pick up the Wing and I am sure another large part of my wallet will be extracted, the Wing needed oil change and 1 headlight had blown. My mate is flying out to Broome tomorrow for a week with his family and has loaned me his house, not bad for a bloke I have not seen in over many years. Nev, the other rider, is in a tent in Perth where he intends to visit relatives, he will call me in a few days when he is ready and away we go again. The next part of the trip is up the West coast and a long way between petrol stations, Nev carries spare fuel in his trailer and my Wing economy is very good. We must watch out for kangaroos, wombats, camels, emues, eagles and any other animals that could be waiting for us. We have blue skies at the moment but rain is forcast for the next few days and my waterproof gear is not real waterproof, there are hairdryers in most motels to dry the gear out.

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